Питання-відповіді Інтерв'ю Всі записи


Тема: Пісня Ваді Ротора 'Charlie Manson'
Dreaming about the sunrise, hating this endless night,
Waiting for the first ray of the morning light.
Losing all my power, ashamed of things I’ve done,
Hoping to see the flower of the rising sun.

Being far from virtue, chased by all my sins,
Sinking in the sorrow. You don’t know what it means.
People please be careful not to take my place.
Today’s my execution, I’ll be put to death.

Curse me if you want to, send me to hell.
I don’t care about this, I don’t hate myself.
You may call me monster, but you’re all like me.
I am just reflection of your society.

Cruel fate, cruel people, evil world. I’ll be back!
Vadia Rotor. April 5, 2004


26 грудня 2008

